These investigations are done in collaboration with the
Durban Art Gallery (DAG)
and the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN)
Ms Jenny Stretton (Curator of the Permanent Collections - DAG)
invited me to curate an exhibition called
'Breaking the Rules...old rules? ...new rules?'
which aimed to familiarize the public with the wealth of art
- both traditional ('old rules') and contemporary ('new rules')
which can be found in the Permanent Collection.
Dr Louise Hall (UKZN) will supervise my experimental journey
as I investigate the possibility of creating new ways
of using gallery exhibitions in a creative and innovative way.
This journey will be one of practice-led artistic research
in partial fulfillment of my Masters in Fine Art.
Durban Art Gallery (DAG)
and the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN)
Ms Jenny Stretton (Curator of the Permanent Collections - DAG)
invited me to curate an exhibition called
'Breaking the Rules...old rules? ...new rules?'
which aimed to familiarize the public with the wealth of art
- both traditional ('old rules') and contemporary ('new rules')
which can be found in the Permanent Collection.
Dr Louise Hall (UKZN) will supervise my experimental journey
as I investigate the possibility of creating new ways
of using gallery exhibitions in a creative and innovative way.
This journey will be one of practice-led artistic research
in partial fulfillment of my Masters in Fine Art.
Have a look in the DAG space to get a sense of the work available.